Saturday, December 14, 2013

The count down begins.....

Saturday afternoon and the snowflakes are falling.  This is supose to be our first real snowfall of the season.  I am trying to decide if I should bring Lexi shopping for her Christmas gifts or clean the house.  We have our annual Cookies with Santa on Tuesday so need to get the place in shape for, and of course there's cookies to bake, gifts to wrap, Lexi's room needs to be finished (It had been used for storage for years and she moved her bed itno the mess, but not much room for her amongst all the junk.  So we've been slowly cleaning it out) and of course there is the garage to clean....  

But I wanted to give a little update.  Not much has changed.  Both mattresses are complete and the bunk bed has been sanded. 

I've been looking for quilt patterns and trying to decide which one to choose.  I am hopeful to make the one for Pheebe before Christmas. I figure the dolls can make the other one over the course of a few days.  Here are the patterns I've sketched out and the fabric I plan to use.

I also need to begin planning the first adventure....

I figure the first adventure has to be very noticeable.  It needs to be big enough that Lexi notices it on her own, but not so big that I have to make everything there after extravagant to keep Lexi hooked.  Whatever I do I need to work Pheebe's blog into it as well.....

Stay tuned to find out what adventures await....

Just 11 days til Christmas.

The adventures begin in 12 days!

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