Monday, December 16, 2013

My awesome parents to the rescue...

Have I ever told you that my parents are awesome!?!?  My dad & mom have saved me so much work this Christmas.  I don't know what to even say.  It's awesome to have such a mazing parents! 

On top of the lego table & the doll house my parents have come out today and are currently insulating my garage!  I am so excited I can't believe how much they have done to help this year.  I would have had to have pulled multiple all nighters to pull this Christmas off.

Oh and one of my boys is home sick, so trying to do it all without making a sound.......

My daycare has it's annual "Cookies with Santa" tomorrow evening so I have been busy wrapping gifts for the kidos.

9 Days till Christmas....
And all that is left to do is get gifts for one niece and nephew (before saturday), shop for any kidos who's gifts still haven't arrived dew to the snow (should have been here friday), pick up a few posters at the christian book store in Springfield, make one quilt, do a cost co run, bake cookies (for tomorrow) and wrap a few more things (For tomorrow).

10 days until the adventures begin....

Now if I can only figure out how to add a second blog under the same name.....

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