Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cleaning and Quilting

Dropped the kids off at school this morning and headed straight to the garage to clean.  I am running out of time and I wasn't going to waist a second of what time I have left.

Wow!  There was alot of dirt in there!  And lots of things that should have been tossed long the bottle of car washing liquid that burst covering the entire cabinet with soap and rusting everything in there with it.  Oh what fun!  Took a bit of elbow greese and a couple of garbage bags, but it got cleaned.

I am a bit concerned about the heat in there though.  It doesn't seem the heater we bought is going to heat the space enough.  I may have to sacrifice my beloved fireplace to the cause.  :'(  I was really hoping to avoid that.

I spent the morning cleaning up the garage while the toddlers played with toys in a previously cleaned area and tried to figure out where everything will fit best.  There is still work to be done, but it is coming along nicely.

Nap time was spent working on Pheebe's quilt.  The project that scared me the most. I was surprised to find how easy it seemed to figure out and I am surprised at how quickly it is taking shape.  I am far from finished, but all of the squares are cut, the patterns been finalized, and all of the squares are attached to at least one othe square.  (The pic was taken early on.)

I got brave and pulled it out to work on while Lexi was playing in the snow with the boys.  Just as I had it all layed out she came in complaining of a stomach ache.  I barley managed to shove it away before she came into the living room.  I am sure Iit will take quit a bit of time to figure out what goes where when and if I get the chance to pull it out again.

By 8pm there was no doubt she was sick.  

Only 6 more days til Christmas, last day of school tomorrow and she will be home.....

I guess there will be some late nights in my future after all, but not tonight.  Tonight I work on fighting off this stomach bug.  

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